Tuesday, April 26, 2011

pink and blue

When I was young,Pink was alway for my little sister
and blue was for me.

I still think that Pink is not for me.

I have almost forget about this bear!
I found he is standing in the box on my sister's desk
and,well,I know this pencil bag is too young and too cute for me
but how could I resist? The rabbit,the lace print?,
maybe I will not use it but just look at it and smile
when I have a very bad day.

Today Mr.Bear is home but he will leave again tomorrow.
Have you ever have this feeling?
It's like ..." lonely freedom"?
Feel good to be alone but still lonely?

Wish it not rainning tomorrow :-(


Little and Big said...

oh! I understand you completely! just wish that it won't happen to me (us) quite often!

just curl up and enjoy yourself with a cup of tea and good book, that will help a lot ; )

lili scratchy said...

good luck mister blue bear !!!
why should he leaves again ?

lauren carney said...

your blog makes my little heart flutter.
the pictures are super dreamy!
happy blogging lovely one x x x