Kraft paper bag alway my favourite item!
( Well,one of my all time favourite as I have too many favourite items)
I have some girly time with my friend last Tuseday.
We went to the thieve shop(vintage shop,second hand shop
used shop,whatever you called)and look to every part of the shop.
My friend want to buy a table but end up with old plastic box
and a rusty enamel bowl(she said that she will plant some green
on that bowl),ME? I want 2 vintage wooden stool which I saw
at my friend's guest house but they don't have it anymore
so I came home with lot and lots of plate and 10 of
this old dusty kraft paper bag!
Cannot stop shopping,Bad habbit!
Don't know what to do this them
but...I cannot come home without it.HA HA
Really,I do really want to spend more time with you girls here
but lots of thing happen around me( fast and blur) so
I will try best to talk to you as often as I can!Promise.