Wednesday, December 12, 2012

cute little love message and a surprise gift make me forget all my problem.
(even just for a second,I do grateful)

Season of sock and knit blanket finally come to my town!

Addicted to an ice cream bar, I have one after dinner everyday.
Try to stop this bad habit!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Father's day

This Friday is a big day!

if you are in Chiang Mai ,don't forget to stop by at "paper spoon"
we have a small flea market there.

I will open a tiny shop full of scrap fabrics, washi tape (New and used),
handmade wood tags,used magazines ...and more!

Father's day,Today.
Stay close to my dad all day :))

+ + this bag and these cute flower will available at Kit-Bit-s soon.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mina Perhonen X MT

I know that you love Mina perhonen,
I do fall in love with this brand too and when I heard that
his works are on washi tape,I almost hunt them down.

Here is a part of what I have and I will have them in my shop too.
(Hope you girls stop by ^_^)

My town will soon full of tourist.
I will stay close to home,
stock tons of food and hope that I don't have to go outside.

hope you girls have a better day.