Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Found this tiny guys whiles ago.

Tons of errand to run,just finish half of it.

Last week,my friend came to me and say
" I want a table clock as a souvenir,You will out of town this weekend so
when you're back...maybe a table clock? "
I say " Okay"
Hmmmm...I think she know me too well.
Tricky woman!,Give me a chance to shopping!!! How could I say NO?

She has full time job and I know that she don't have time
to find a table clock for herself.
She knows if she ask me I will go everywhere to find her the best
table clock I can find!The one I like and the one I would use it myself.

I found it today :-)
I will let you girl know what my friend think about it,Ha Ha

Will raining soon...glad I'm home already.


  1. keetee! i've missed reading your blog. i have been so busy lately. i have something i want to send to you, now i just have to package it & make a trip to the post office : ) however, that may take me a while!
    hope you are doing well!!
