Saturday, February 26, 2011


I love snail mail (not just the word but the way of it too).
So many people involve to send a package/feeling from one person to another.
Isn't it romantic?
I feel so excitting everytime I find my inbox full with a box
or a letter have my name on it!
I love the part "Brown paper packages tied up with strings"
because it's actually my favourite thing.

The package have face/inspired by Hello Sandwich.
I love her idea.
the big blue rose box was from Aenoi.
she will send you a lovely box too if you buy things from her HERE)


  1. your blog (and your shop) is cute!!! i'm one of your followers!
    best wishes from Italy!

  2. I cannot explain how I feel when I see new people visitting my blog(and my shop),It's mix between happy and unbelievable!!!

    Thank you so much,Your word brighten up my day(REALLY!!!)
